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Tambourine Thumb Rolls - Put some bees wax, cello or bass rosin on the perimeter of the head. Apply pressure whith your thumb as you use it to go around the head. Your thumb will bounce quickly as it moves. - Mary Ellen Hodges

Don't quit your day job. - Joe Blow

Double Bass Tips - New!

Hey, we get to submit our own??? Cool!! Well let's see....how about don't spend too much time in this drum tips site or you won't get any practicing done - Ha! - Jim Rvezky

Try plastic straws for those snare holder thingys that keep the snares on. They've held up for me so far. You just need to cut them down a bit and you're ready to go. - Adam

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I don't know if this makes for a good drum tip ...but I once saw a guy stuff newspaper in his bass drum to get a wet sort of punchy sound. I tried it and it sounds pretty cool. Just my little tip for the day. Thanks for this cool site. - Bernard Wilton

~ Rock Band Drum Tips ~
The more you can learn about real drumming, the better you'll be at Rock Band. Take some time and learn how to play drums correctly by watching other drummers, studying drum lesson videos and maybe even getting the new rock band drums book or another dvd on drumming. If the drums are too loud or you're driving your mother absolutely bonkers with the banging, consider the new rock band drumsticks with quiet tips for practicing at a reduced volume.

More Rock Band Drum Tips

Eat more chicken. No wait, wrong tips page. - Eli
Drum Tuning Tip: If it sounds good to the ear, don't screw it up by trying to use an exact technique. It's about the sound. In other words, if it's not broken, don't fix it. - Benny G.

Mark your drum stands with a permanant marker to keep your place.
This saves time when setting up your drums. Later. - Rori Martinez

Buy yourself a little clip on fan for your drums. You can clip it on the drum stands anywhere (I put mine on the HH stand) to keep yourself cool. I wouldn't trade my fan for anything in the world. All my band mates are jealous. - Michael Rose

I have found that if one keeps the right perspective, playing becomes more enjoyable. Are you playing just to impress someone or for their enjoyment? I look at it like I am serving someone. I love to play and if it makes someone else happy other than me than that makes it all the better. You never know how your playing may make someone elses day more enjoyable. - Della Barrett

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My name is Marc White. I am a Vic Firth PDT(since 4/2000). I will be conducting drumset workshops @ THE WINDHOVER CENTER for the ART'S starting 1/2003. What i have to say is this "always play for the song and the style your playing for in the moment", do NOT overplay and listen good"!!!

Two more:
Practice having a good attitude!
Two: Learn HOW to reeellllaaaaaaxxxxxxx!!! - Marc White

Dude..dont' use the same size drumsticks for every gig. That's why they make different size sticks. If you're playing a light ballad, you don't want to be playing with your Metallica woodchoppers. Have 3 or 4 different sizes of drumsticks and use them for the different applications they were made for. - Jason (PS I don't work for a drumstick company)

Sometime ago, I had no place to set up an acoustic set of drums, for a duration of many years. What I did was purchase a set of "table-top" drums ie. Yamaha DD14, & then the DD50. These little gems have many drum loops to play along with, plus a set of "pedals" / triggers for the kick & hi hat. Granted, they are not the real thing, but the DD's improved my timing immensely nonetheless! Plus they contained a fully adjustable tempo dial & a click track.
"Keep the beat!" - Joe L.

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Practice with your left hand, it will help strengthin it and make it equal to your right. Learn everything you can. - Sean
Practice as much as humanly possible when you can. There is no song too difficult. The more you practice it, the better you will get. Confidence is everything when you're behind the kit. A truly dedicated drummer lets nothing take priority over the drums. Practice makes perfect. - Kevin Divoll
When you play, don't concentrate on what you are doing. Just do what comes naturally. - Yours truely
End every drum practice session with a short solo. You will come up with new ideas and your solos will improve greatly. Plus, it's fun. - Alfonzo Houlihan
Always stretch your hands in a warmup, it will help you in the long run. Also, don't thighten all your muscles, relax and play with the band. - Ryan Robertson

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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For all levels of musicains, dedication and patience is the key to get better. - Bhaskar Baskota
I have found that if one keeps the right perspective, playing drums becomes more enjoyable. Are you playing just to impress someone or for their enjoyment? I look at it like I am serving someone. I love to play and if it makes someone else happy other than me than that makes it all the better. You never know how your playing may make someone elses day more enjoyable. - Della Barrett

One cymbal doesn't have just one sound! Practise hitting the middle of the cymbal with the tip of the drum and then whacking the edge of it with the stick angled straight after. Sounds great and adds a little extra to your playing if you don't have many cymbals. - Dan

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What ever you do, do not make the mistake of buying all the expensive things when you are first starting out. Use the cheaper to appreciate the better things in this drumming world. - Sam T.

Learning how to get started? Well...for all those drummers out there who think they can play drums without reading music.....well it'll work for a while but it will only get u so far so when u get to the point where u dont think u can learn any more, look at some tabs and try em out it really helps!!!! - Kevin Osburn

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If you seriously need work on your left hand take a stick and hold the butt of it in your hand with the tip being able to hit your elbow. Now play continuosly for as long as you can. My friend does this at least one hour a day and it works really well. - Alex Miehl
If you set your drumset up backwards you will gain more cordination.If your a righty, set up lefty and visa versa for this exercise. If you do this it will help you with cordination. Also, even if your not a Double Bass player you should play a Double Pedal. Playing differant stickings over different foot patterns helps cordination. Think about it, would you learn one hand at a time, NO. By playing Both hands as a unit, each hand gets strong and the same is true with your feet, So don't learn one foot at a time. By playing them together your feet get better, even if you NEVER intend on playing double bass songs. I found myself liking the Double pedal for fills & Cashendo's (excuse my spelling lol). These Tips Work don't over look them. - Bill Dolan
Playing in Perfect Time is NOT easy, but if you practice slightly ahead of the beat, then practice slightly behind the beat you will notice playing in PERFECT time is NOT impossible. If your in Perfect time you will not hear the Metranome. Practice on a Drum Pad, it's alot harder but you will be happy you did when your done. Make sure you do this exercise with all the drum rudiments. - Bill Dolan
While playing along with cds or radio be creative and use fills that are not in the recorded song. - Jim Coudle
A hose clamp will fix a broken Bass drum pedal where the foot plate meets the pedal (normally a strap there).

Teachers: Make use of abbreviations BD, HH, SD, FP, CYM etc. - No Name Provided

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Handle your drumsticks correctly. The drumsticks should be held in both of your hands so loose that if someone were to hit your hands, they would fall out. Handling your drumsticks this way will make your overall preformance much better, as opposed to holding the drumsticks in a firm grip. Happy drumming! - Suzann

While playing along with cds or the radio, be creative and use fills that are not in the recorded song. - Jim Coudle

Rattling snare? I have found that if you put crinkled up news paper inside your snare drum it cuts down on rattling. - Lindsey

Drums... in other words: Bateria... you know, like lecciones de bateria or videos de percusion. It's not just drums or percussion but battera, batterie, or percusioni. Get it?
It's a very large world and we are all drum brothers in percussion! - Ignacio

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Never tune or re-tune another drummer's drums. THIS COULD LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY - Nicci Fritts

PRACTICE ..if you want to be good at it.- Down South Dirty Girl

Reach for the sky.. and if you don't make it, at least you will know you are among the stars. - It's ME

Handle your drumsticks correctly. The drumsticks should be held in both of your hands so loose that if someone were to hit your hands, they would fall out. Handling your drumsticks this way will make your overall preformance much better, as opposed to holding the drumsticks in a firm grip. Happy drumming! - Suzann

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Sisters screaming at you all the time cause your drums are to loud? Just put a lot of blankets on your drums and cymbals. - Octopus
Play with your Heart, not just your hands and feet! Your band members and the audience will tell the difference. - Buddy

Clean your cymbles and make them shine, they look better when there bright and when the light hits them. - Danny M.

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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If you want to really get your rudimental chops down, join a drumline or drum corp. The practice is regimented and the drum competitions keep you motivated. The progress in learning with a drumline is great and will advance a drummer to another level. - Arny Milstead
Travis Barker rules!! That's my drum tip of the day. - Jose

What i've learned is to take every job, whether you get paid or if you do it for free. You never know when there,s someone out there looking for a drummer. - Sean Krall

All drums have their own pitch. To truly tune your drums to their pitch remove all heads & hardware, hang the shell from a string or something & hit the edge of the shell. The sound you hear is the pitch to tune to. This is a little timely but your drums will sound the way they were built to sound. - Keith Weiler

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Drum Rudiments

THE SWEET SPOT! For all you metal heads out there who play double bass, the sweet spot is the key to finding your maximum speed. Find the center of your pedal and place the groove between your toes and your foot. You're on your way! - Daniel Mifsud - drummer of Argento
The little boy stopped an old man on the street and said, "Hey, Mister! How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" The old man replied, "Practice, son. Practice." - No Name Given

Lose a stick? Try sitting on a pair of sticks (one on each side) so you don't have to reach in your bag in the middle of a song to get another. - CK

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Playing along to the radio is better than playing to records. The temptation with records is to pick the ones you like or find easy. The radio makes you try to play things you've avoided, extends your range, and shows up your weaknesses.- Mike
Keep an extra hi-hat clutch in your stick bag because there is nothing worse than rocking up to a gig and finding out you have forgotton your hi-hat clutch! - Daniel

Play along with a CD or radio, then turn it off and play it from memory as close to the original as possible! It works. Try It! :) - Andrew Glass

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Your Bass player can make you a better drummer listing to the why he rolls out of (verses&chours) & try to duplacate. - Rick Brown

At band reharseal go through the songs with just you and your bass player.This will help your band get super tight. - Rick Brown

If you have dreams of being a "Commercially" successful drummer, i.e. Fame, Money,hit songs, etc. you have to know and accept your place. Don't try to steal the show. You are a time keeper and you lay down the backbeat. The simpler the better. Any band where the drummer is the center of attention is probably not a very commercially successful band. Neal Pert is an exception to the rule, not the norm. Consider Phil Rudd. - Jake Levee

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Keep practiceing every day, because if you stop you will get bad. Practice. Practice. Practice!!!!!!!! - Isaiah
Always make sure that your hands are dry or you are wearing gloves to avoid the stick from slipping out of your hands in the middle of a song. - Nick
Learn to play the piano/keyboard also. A good drummer knows other instruments and how to sight read. - Bob Bouvier

If you're in Pit (side-line percussion) and set up on the front side-line, always listen back to the drumline never directly follow the drum major. It will help with phasing problems which is almost always an issue for marching bands (especially for a large band with a big Pit). Lining up the sound from the field to the stands is key to an amazing proformance. GO KATY! - Captain K-dawg

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When playing at a fast pace, always keep the arms raised at a reasonable height. - DrumHead

Personalized Drumsticks
Buy personalized drumsticks for the
drummer in your life. - COOL!
Cool Drummer T-shirts
Drums T-shirts. and Drums Clothing.
$15 and up. - SHOP NOW!
If you want be good drummer you must listening Vinnie Colaiuta! and that is all. - Karrdo

Make personal sounds, especially if you're in a band, it will give your band a "signature " sound, just like guitars and bass, don't hold back with your ideas :) - Lasse

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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You dont need a double pedal... just use both of your feet on one pedal..but you gotta be quick - Drummer123

When playing fast tempos, mindfully RELAX your hands! The faster you play, the more relaxed you should be. Though it may seem paradoxical at first, you'll soon realize that you can play those smokin' tempos alot better without the fighters fists of fury on the sticks! - Brad Spradlin

If you want a tip...take it from two famous dudes that know talent!! The construction of this site went great!! We both really like you guys having fun with these tips!! Tip 1-don't ever take tips but ours!! Tip 2-get offline and play drums!! Tip-3 get a job!! Tip-4 Don't even think about outdoing our progression!! Tip-5 Let those childish studder screamin bands do there own thing and bring music back to life!!! Tip-6 Expect better songs on your tv!! Tip-7 Keep your tips private!! You'll never be the best by tellin people to be better!! Tip-8 give fake tips to confuse the drummers who need tips!!! Tip -9 Make fun of dumb drummers!! lol... Tip-10 Keep it musical!!!! - Mike Portnoy and Oscar Nolan

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The drummer should be very strong minded in many different ways! The success isn't all about the money and fame! Although fame can build a confidence for you and money can always help out for music equipment!! Having success to me is how well the listeners/fans really get the message of the song! (The whole meaning of the song should always be the most important thing!!!!) Creative music is musical music to me!! If your a young drummer like myself and you want to be the best!! Find that talented, progressive, band and compete with the progression!! Try to avoid listening to that same old 4/4 time!! DONT WEAK OUT ON MAN! I incourage all drummers to download some Rush, Dream Theater, Symphony X, and all those talented musical bands! Do somethin different after every 4 measures!! Don't let the world of drums get simple!! Write songs that are hard for you to feel at first!! Write songs that play with time signature!! Try to put all knowlege and natural talent to your songs!

Don't repeat over and over!! If you play something for one measure its always gonna be there in that song. Be musical and remember doin somethin once is doin it!! Don't drive it into the ground! Not putting down on modern bands...But lets face it Talent has gown down hill!! Music is something special to us all!! When road is over for me...I don't wanna be described as that one guy saying look at me!! I wanna be that guy that tried to make music as musical as he could!! That one guy that tried covering all musical aspects!! (DONT GET ON STAGE TO BE SEEN) (GET ON STAGE TO SHARE SOMETHIN) being on stage is a perfect time to say somethin...every one is listening....(EXPLAIN A SONG THAT THE AUDIENCE MAY HAVE TROUBLE GETTIN)(MAKE SURE THE AUDIANCE HAS HAD A CHANCE TO UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE OF THE SONG) being the drummer is different from singin...Singers tell the story and the drummer helps the feelings express!! (MAIN THING OF THE MAIN THING IS THE MAIN THING) (JUST HAVE FUN WITH IT) (AND IF POSSIBLE HELP MUSIC BE FOR A GOOD CAUSE) (((MUSIC IS MUSICAL WHEN ITS BASED UPON MUSIC)))) - Oscar Nolan

Drummer Gifts

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The best cover up for droping a stick during a concert is to stick your tounge out at everyone!! - Just another dude

Don't separate your equipment when you bring it home. Keep it together or you'll forget something the next time you go to pack it in the car. - Drummer

When purchasing drumsticks from your local drumshop take four pairs of the same sticks to the counter. Take them out and roll them on the counter to check for warped sticks. - Lori Henderson
Look at drum solo's of the great drummers - Ruben
Don't get frustrated alot when you can't seem to do any good. Some of us drummers just have certain days where we can't play anything, So when you get frustrated, just slow down and start with something simple ..and just go with the flow. - Josh

Myth: Ringo is the greatest drummer in the world. He's probably the most popular one though. Fact: Neil Peart is the best drummer alive (Buddy Rich is best non-living drummer). Neil has way more skill than Ringo. - Dan

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Watch the booze intake when gigging. It's very easy to drink too much in the right venue. But remember, you're performing. Be professional. If you've had too much to drink, your drumming will be sloppy - even if you think it isn't! - Matt
Never stop trying and just keep practising ...and soon you'll get there. - Edward Ogg
"When I first started playing, I was interested in music and I was able to read it. But when I moved into playing with groups, I did a silly thing and dropped it. I do think it's great to be able to write down ideas in music form. But I also think that feeling is a lot more important in drumming than mere technique. It's all very well to be playing a triple paradiddle--but who's going to know you're actually doing it? If you pay too much attention to technique, you start to sound like every other drummer does. I think that being original is what counts. When I listen to other drummers, I like to be able to say, 'Oh, that's nice, I haven't heard that before.' I think that being yourself as a drummer is so much better than sounding like anyone else." - John Bonham - Luigi Scarface

Put a thick(not too thick) coat of Plasti-Dip on the striking spot of the bass drum head. Home depot has it. - Christopher J. Furfaro

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If using a pillow to muffle the bass drum, put it in a plastic pillow cover. This prevents drawing moisture & damaging the inner ply. - Christopher J. Furfaro

You can use a sheet of felt for bass drum muffling. Available at any fabric store. Take the head off, lay the felt over the drum, tape the edges down so the felt stays put. Make sure you have ample material to extend past the flesh hoop. Put head ,hoop & hardware back on, remove tape & trim the excess felt. Be careful with the sissors! If it's too dead, cut the center of the sheet out. I use a full sheet on the reso head & center cutout on the batter.You can also give some slack to the felt before you tighten the head(s), this will control the degree of deadness. Then maybe cutting the felt won't be necessary - Christopher J. Furfaro

I use rubber cement to glue zero rings (especially for bass drum), you don't need to use alot of cement. Two way stick tape works well too. Also,rubber cement can be easily removed. Christopher J. Furfaro

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Right Hand-Left Hand Ratio: The great thing about this exersice is that it not only speeds up your off hand but also helps in matching speed/timming of the hands.
L-R LL-RR LLL-RRR LLLL-RRRR (repeat) - Faiyaz
MYTH: Ringo is the greatest drummer who ever lived. TRUTH: Tommy Aldridge is!!!! - Mike

You get a music stand and a spiral notebook and make a drawing of the drum sets however you want. Write a number on each drum peice like when there is a "1", you hit that one. Then hit "2" and then memorize what you have done and try it manually. It worked for me. - Brandon

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Drum sticks make a good weapon if there is any burgurlars in your house. Use your drum sticks as a weapon. Also you can do a rimshot to sound like a gunshot! - Harvin
Find "1" style of drum stick the best fits your need and "use that style only," don't fill you stick bag with different sticks, your never get a good feel when playing, your hands will have to get use to each pair you pull out! - Travis A. Walker

When setting up/breaking down, make sure "you" the drummer is there and/or the one doing it, it's a shame to have part of your set in the bass players car and the other with the lead singer, and all you have is the snare and your best cymbal! It never happen to me, but I have seen it many time. - Travis A. Walker

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Ever get to a gig and find that you need a carpet but didn't bring one?
Use the floor mats from your car. Put the smaller sizes under the bass drum spurs and the larger sizes under the bass pedal and hi-hat stand - Mat Marucci

When playing live, fast tempo's often appear rushed. Consciously try to play a little more slowly on stage than when you're practising in the basement. - Bob Penny

Drummer Jokes

Neil Peart is hands down the most fluent speed/hard rock drummer ever and is one of the best rock drummers ever for those who dont know the name listin to the band RUSH - Josh
Use duct tape on your toms and even your snare to muffil the sound. - Christian Brewer
Play with your Heart, not just your hands and feet! Your band members and the audience will tell the difference. - Buddy
When you play, just go crazy man. It helps. You will be surpriesd at what you can do. Dont be afraid to experiment. - Thando Naba

Reach for the sky and if you don't make it, at least you will know you are among the stars. - It's ME

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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PRACTICE if you want to be good at it. - Down South Dirty Girl

There are many percussion instruments that you can learn to play and become more well and rounded drummer. Learn how to play the cajon, the g üiro, the shekere, the maracas, the birimbau, the caixixi, the zurdo, the batas, the sheker, the marimba, the cowbell, the congas, the timbalas, the bongos, the vibraslap, the tambourine, the pandeira, the wood block, and other of those. They each have this own technique, but you don't haves to learn to play all of them. Just learn the basic techniques of each drum. World percussion some call as these music instruments originate from different parts of the world. Good luck. - Tünei

Never tune or re-tune another drummer's drums.THIS COULD LEAD TO SERIOUS INJURY - nicci fritts
Take the time to study the history of drumming. It's very enlightening and will make you a better player. Drum History's where it's at. Literally! Upon learning a standard jazz cymbal ride pattern (you know; spang, spang-a-lang), be sure to Learn to listen to "all" of the players of the band. If you're not hearning them, you can't react to the music properly. Jazz players, be sure to learn as many of the jazz standards as possible. You'll be called upon to know them. - Me

You can't be a good drummer sitting on the couch watching TV. - Marc Dufour

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When hitting the crash cymbal be careful not to hit the bow of the crash cymbal(located halfway between the center and edge of the cymbal)with the shoulder of your stick. doing so increases the likelihood that your expensive cybal will crack. - Emmanuel Valcin
Work on your "weak" hand/arm. Single stroke rolls are best achieved with daily practice. Work with a metronome and develop a true "single stroke" roll which sounds even! Do 10 repetitions with the "weaker" hand/arm every day! - Dr. Paul E. Rosene

If you live in dighotn kansas, forget about going to the library. They dont have any drum stuff whatsoever! I would also like to say that this is the best web site i have ever been too. - Davina

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Train SLOWLY! The better way to play well a piece is firstly to play it RIGHT IN PLACE. Divide by 4 the tempo and train small part of the piece in loop : 2 or 3 measures. When it's right in place, go further in the piece. Finally, when all the piece is ok for you, try it a bit faster and then, to the tempo requiered. - TraXX the french Drummer

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Soundproofing: to soundproof your drum room two tips. For the wall, install heavy curtains about 4" from the wall all around your piece: It prevents the rebounce of the sound and avoid the transmition of vibration to the walls. For the ground, the carpets are great but try to put some judo's tatami (it's really elastic and so prevent your ground to quake under your beats ) and carpets over it to avoid your drums slipping. - TraXX the french Drummer
Always remember to stay loose with the drum sticks, don't let them slide, but let them be free. - Gabi
Charlie Parker practiced 14 to 15 hours a day for 3 to 4 years. - Timoteo Alonso
Relax ur hands and feet, do not be stiff, feel the beat in ur mind before playing it - Gorkhali Kanchha

To make a practical and useful drum/practice pad take a hard-back book and place an old magazine on either side, sandwiching the book in the middle. Put a mouse mat on top so that the side you scroll your mouse on is facing upwards. Then wrap the whole thing up with a t-shirt or an old rag of some sort, securing the package with a rubber band or two. Find a good place to practise, and do just that. It may be crude, but it works! - Adam Boney

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It's not important to be the fastest playing drummer; but to be an accurate playing drummer. You can hide speed by playing ballads. But you can't hide mishits and poor roles. - Eric Wehnau
Be totally relaxed, yet focused. - Lady Drummer 16-NC
Clear,good and cool sound. If you haven't got it, more practising in true way ... Viva Turkey - Cagdas Yapicilar
I have found the "triplets" of various forms that Dave Weckle perfected, has been a great help. I use them at home practicing and work them into songs and play them throughout the whole CD or tape so I can get a feel for it and then it comes so natural when I need it while playing out - Steve Hlabse

Drum sticks make a good weapon if there is any burglers in your house. Use your drum sticks as a weapon. Also you can do a rimshot to sound like a gunshot! - Harvin

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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It's important to practice with metronome and without one as well. - Sthrudel
The greatest technical drummer in the metal world right now has 2 be Deron Miller of "Mastadon". Check 'im out. - Welfare
When playing with a double kick, try to use your heels vs. your whole legs. - Dustin

Keep your eyes open at all times, the audience wants to see your eyes. Also, to me there's nothing worse than seeing a bandstand full of musicians, each of them just staring at the necks of their guitars, in their own worlds, trying to be cool, or with their eyes closed, not being a part of the goings on. Attempt to be aware and play "with" the others as a unit, as much as possible. After all, we are there to entertain the audience, not just look cool. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. - "Lay it Down" Larry

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If your snares are rattling a lot and you want to stop it, I found you can put a strip of paper in between the snares and the resonant head. - DJ
Got the Blues? A trick I learned from a Muddy Water comment before a song. He told a drummer to, "Give me some butt". If I recall it was "Hoochie Coochie Man". Using the butt end of the stick in some songs gives it a fuller sound without hitting the snare harder and overpowering the band. If you are a Blues drummer, you should know it is all about being aware of the feel and mood of the band. - Jeff Gover
Learn what the hell groove and feel mean and forget paradiddles. - Todd
Teaching: Have your students do simple math and spelling problems aloud while playing ostinato foot patterns such as Bossa, Samba, Songo, etc...This forces them to rely on muscle memory and allows them to think of their hands independantly of their feet. - Paul Knight
Warm up but also stretch the limbs, including forearms, properley. This will promote greater flexibility and ward off any injuries. Stretching after the gig calms you down and prevents those sores or aches coming on after a hard day. Seek professional advice if you begin to hurt. - Matt Hobson

To become very skilled and keep pace, practice with a metronome! ;-) Daniel Vincent

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Label ALL your stix. I had some bright pink and green ones that I thought would be fine not labelled and they got nicked. It don't take much time and it saves loads of money ...... just my lil tip!!!!!!! - Beth
Taking care of your hardware and prevent it from building rust. As you guys probably know, weather plays an important part in this process. Countries where there's high humidity tend to eventually ruin our hardware. There's this wonderful product called Pro Gold Lubricant Oil. http://www.progoldmfr.com/ This stuff is amazing. Apply it to your brand new hardware every other month. Your pedals and stands will NOT rust that easily. - Raj

MORE COWBELL!!! - Bruce Dickenson

Drum Videos / DVDs

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Fact: Neil Peart is the greatest Rock Drummer ever. Buddy Rich is the greatest Jazz Drummer ever. Progressive Rock is the most exciting music ever. And Rush are the greatest band ever...and Dream Theater are the Gods of odd time signatures.- Jack Morris
No where to put your drink? Use an old scotch tape or duct tape roll. Tape it to your cymbal stand. - Greg
We all know how boring it is to practice daily with the sound of a click. Why don´t you try the paddle with some groovy chill-house music ? Your motivation will increase, the tempo is constant ... and don´t forget to have fun, it´s the most important !! - No name given
Band-aids make great mufflers if you want to tone down an unwanted ring. - R. Luszczak

One important piece of gear that is overlooked alot is the drum throne . A cheap seat will wobble making it harder to perform plus it will get very uncomfortable after a long gig or session . High quality thrones make the gig more comfortable and helps keep that all important center of gravity . - Kelly Stodola

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Make sure to play everything.. you practice at three different volume levels (quiet,normal and loud) . This helps to build your dynamics . Kelly Stodola

A great rim shot can be accomplished.. by placing the tip of your stick about an inch off the inside of the snare rim (i.e. on the stripe of a pin stripe head) and the stick butt between the rim lugs. This delivers a "fat" rim shot sound. - Berry Bairrington

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SOUND IS CO-ORDINATION. We so often execute drum rudiments on the snare. When we start orchestrating them around the kit we find it more difficult. The same goes for accents. If you always accent the downbeat whilst playing a paradiddle, when we put it around the kit or try accenting off the downbeat it is harder. Practice everything you play around the kit and shift accents so that what you play doesn't always sound so linear and 1,2,3,4 solid. - Dom Tribe
Listen to your Drum Captain. Even if it's a GIRL!!!!! Channah
Use a sheet of paper (taping it down helps it to stay) instead of tone rings if you are low on money. They work just as well as are very cheap. - David Myers

You know how you can hold a pencil in the center with your thumb and forefinger and tap each end alternately - you can hold your drum stick the same way and do a roll on the high hat with one hand. - Ted Duthoit

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Don't screw up! - joe blow
Learn how to spell correctly before sending drumming tips to this site. In this way we might begin to challenge the stereotype that most drummers are morons who hang round with musicians! - parkkeeper

Look after your wrists and hands - regular wrist exercise is vital to avoid problems like carpal tunnel syndrome. I find shock absorbing sticks work for me, especially 'Ahead' sticks. - parkkeeper

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enjoy YOURSELF!! - roco
Learn to relax and feel the beat and don't think about having mistakes... focus on the beatings and not on the countings! Ü.. - *LadySiLver*
Practice makes permanent. - Erik Bardin
Instead of putting duct tape on any of your equipment, consider using camper tape. Get it at a hardware store,its adhesive foam tape about an inch wide & an 1/8" thick.Dampens cymbals & heads. Walmart has an adhesive cloth/tape,"athletic works". Excellent stick tape & cheap! - Charles Gonzales
Lube your tension rods. spread a very very thin coat of vaseline over the threads on your tuning rods. this will ensure that the rods are threading smoothly. it will also help to prevent over or under tightening - Kieran Bittles
I have been playing drums for 6 years and i found out that the cymbal stands rought the holes on the cymbals (they make the holes bigger). Ok well put the washer on then a felt washer and then place a piece of tubing in so the cymbal will not move around back and forth to rub and then put the cymbal down then the other felt washer then the washer and then screw the wing nut down and then holes will no longer get bigger!!!It helps alot!! - Alex Spilios

Annointed playing:- know God and fearing God and obeying His commandments will make you. - probaba

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Inventory your equimpent. - Bennett Burnside
Anytime you learn a new rudiment, be sure you know it inside and out. Push it to (and beyond) the limit. Play it as fast as you possibly can. You may never have to play it at that speed (and believe me, just because you can, doesn't mean you should, anyway!), but, to go to any extreme as a musician means that any level of performance below that extreme is much simpler. (Ex: if you can play 64th notes at 240 BPM for 5 minutes straight, playing 64th notes at 120 BPM for 3 minutes with be nothing to you.) - Jim ".50 Cal" Deabenderfer
Explore different muscle group combinations when playing usual double bass licks. You'll find that you can pull out the same patterns for longer with less fatigue and/or cramping. - Jim ".50 Cal" Deabenderfer

Want more speed out of your snare hand (or is it getting tired)? Use your free fingers to push up on the base of your stick, to lever it down towards the head. Use this in tandem with your wrist to develop a "seesaw". You'll cut down on fatigue, and keep your snare strokes even and powerful, even on blast beats. - Jim ".50 Cal" Deabenderfer

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Think you know everything? You don't. No matter how long you've played, or how much you have learned, there's always something you haven't seen, someone that can play faster, or a technique that you haven't tried. Never stagnate. Be open to new ideas and other perspectives to the instrument. - Jim ".50 Cal" Deabenderfer
One thing for beginners, start out with a cheap 5 piece kit. (this is one thing that always piss's me off) a beginner saying he is really bad a** and gets on the kit and can't do anymore than a 4/4 beat. And another thing for you beginners NO DOUBLE BASS! that will come in time but wait a couple of years and get the basic's first, unless you pick it up really fast. - ~Crash~
Try out for all bands... if you don't get in, at least you know you tried! - Chris Baker
When comiting a drum solo use your left hand alot if you are a right hand drumer - Kyle

Be a good drummer. Have a unique style. Listen to diferent types of music and you'll get diferent ideas - James

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Always have a favourite drummer to motivate u..listen to their records and also listen to other many drummers.. - Didi
Watch pro drummers play and from there u can be motivated to be like them..etc..watch their videos or go to drum clinics. - Didi
If you're a beginner, start out using the bass and develop the rhythm for bass only, then add hihat, then snare, then anything else. It helps a lot! - Steven
Yeah it's me. Guys, I'm not really the greatest drummer in the world. Okay, yes I am. Cool site dudes. - Travis Barker

Keep your sticks matched: When you buy more than one pair of sticks, before you take them out of their cardboard sleeve, take a Sharpie and mark the butt ends of the first pair with the number 1, then the second pair with the number 2, the third pair with the number 3 and so on. This will help you keep your sticks matched like they where when they left the factory. Have you ever noticed, while playing, one of your sticks feels lighter than the other? That's because you mixed sets and they're no longer matched for weight and balance. A small thing to some but I really can't stand playing with an unmatched set of sticks...it just feels strange. ROCK! - Martyr

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Either you are good at drums or you are not. - Justin
Tuning Tips - Don't gum up your heads with duct tape, deadringers, etc. (especially the snare drum). instead, get a small piece of cloth and rest it on the head near the rim. Then tape the cloth not to the head, but to the rim. When you hit the drum, the cloth will jump up and when it comes down it will kill the overring (especially the snare drum). - CG
Be On Time! Whenever you have rehearsals ,auditions or studio sessions, be early! You would not believe how very important it is. Other people's time is just as important as yours and you are likely to get the gig and impress everyone at the same time if this element is immediately taken care of before you ever even hit the drums. - Bryan Keeling
Play a 16th note parradiddle for x number of times and then shift the beginning note by 1/16th and this will put the starting note on the "e" of the beat. After playing x number of times, again shift the starting beat another 1/16 to place the starting note on the "and" of the beat. Repeat the procedure two times to put the beginning beat on the "uh" of the beat and then finally back to the 1, 2, 3, etc. of the beat. - Sal

Color-code the sections of your stands and/or rack clamps with colored plastic cable ties. They're less noticable than colored tape or labels. - Dave From Chicago

Over 2000 Tips, Tricks, and Secrets for Drums!
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Use your weak hand in everyday things. Like right now you have your main hand on the mouse. Maybe even try to write with your weak hand! - David
Be sure to practice how you will play. Don't move a drum to make it easier to practice if your wont have it there for a gig. You won't want to have to rearrange your set durring a gig. - Jebadiah

I have devised a technique that can imrpove stick accuracy and help to stop any unwanted rim shots caused by wandering drum sticks during fills. Place 2 or 3 spare drum sticks afew inches apart on the floor or preferred practising surface. Now try and drum in the spaces between the sticks going from left to right and back again in various combinations, being sure not to hit the spare sticks. Increase speed gradually and when you have the confidence/ ability lessen the space seperating the sticks. - Adam Boney

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I made an adapter to fit my drum key by soldering a 3/8" drive socket to a sawed off generic drum key. I then use an Inch pound torque wrench and tune my smallest tom to the tone I like. I check the reading on the scale and then do all the other drums to the same setting. It sounds like a lot of trouble, but it really works like golfing. Each club will do the work if the swing is the same.Each drum is a different size as are golf clubs a different legnth and pitch. Try it out - Steve H
Make sure you ALWAYS make notice of confusing stickings to beginning and intermediate students. When learning at this level students need to learn to alternate and fix sticking to work the music. - Drumline Drum Tech

If you nod your head to the beat, you do much better. - Philip Pompey

Drum Play Alongs

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Practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice to be the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Philip Pompey
Stay loose and relaxed. It's not as easy as you might think but thats why you always start at slower tempos and build you're way up to help you stay that way as you get faster - JP
Practice to CD's with wireless headphones. Prices are right but get a good name brand.
No wires to deal with, volume control is on the headset and you can balance out the sound between you music and drum set without killing your ears.
ROCK ON...windsweptrocker. - Paul Larson
Have a plan. If want to learn how to play drums effectively, come up with a game plan and stick to it. Write out your goals and post it on the wall in front of your practice pad or drumset. Stay intent on acheiving those goals and being the drummer you wish to be. - Max Little

Customize a pair of sticks, I did one black and one white, then sign them for when you become a rock star ;-) - Craigemboy

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